如题所示,使用的是meterSphere v2.2版本源码编译,在本地windows运行时一切正常,但是当打成jar包后部署到ubuntu服务器后while循环不生效,下图是设置的变量和场景脚本设置
2025-01-06 11:16:05 INFO MS-JMETER-RUN-TASK:106 Note: Sample TimeStamps are START times
2025-01-06 11:16:05 INFO MS-JMETER-RUN-TASK:106 sampleresult.default.encoding is set to UTF-8
2025-01-06 11:16:05 INFO MS-JMETER-RUN-TASK:106 sampleresult.useNanoTime=true
2025-01-06 11:16:05 INFO MS-JMETER-RUN-TASK:106 sampleresult.nanoThreadSleep=5000
2025-01-06 11:16:05 INFO StandardJMeterEngine Running the test!
2025-01-06 11:16:05 INFO StandardJMeterEngine List of sample_variables: []
2025-01-06 11:16:05 INFO StandardJMeterEngine List of sample_variables: []
2025-01-06 11:16:05 INFO StandardJMeterEngine Note: Function class names must contain the string: '.functions.'
2025-01-06 11:16:05 INFO StandardJMeterEngine Note: Function class names must not contain the string: '.gui.'
2025-01-06 11:16:05 INFO StandardJMeterEngine 272b32b4_272b32b4: Starting worker with class: class io.metersphere.api.jmeter.MsApiBackendListener and queue capacity: 5000
2025-01-06 11:16:05 INFO StandardJMeterEngine 272b32b4_272b32b4: Started worker with class: class io.metersphere.api.jmeter.MsApiBackendListener
2025-01-06 11:16:05 INFO StandardJMeterEngine Starting ThreadGroup: 1 : 272b32b4
2025-01-06 11:16:05 INFO StandardJMeterEngine Starting 1 threads for group 272b32b4.
2025-01-06 11:16:05 INFO StandardJMeterEngine Thread will continue on error
2025-01-06 11:16:05 INFO StandardJMeterEngine Starting thread group... number=1 threads=1 ramp-up=1 delayedStart=false
2025-01-06 11:16:05 INFO StandardJMeterEngine Started thread group number 1
2025-01-06 11:16:05 INFO StandardJMeterEngine All thread groups have been started
2025-01-06 11:16:05 INFO 272b32b4 1-1 Thread started: 272b32b4 1-1
2025-01-06 11:16:06 INFO 272b32b4 1-1 Local host = LAPTOP-GQ483I8J
2025-01-06 11:16:06 INFO 272b32b4 1-1 HTTP request retry count = 0
2025-01-06 11:16:06 INFO 272b32b4 1-1 Setting up HTTPS TrustAll Socket Factory
2025-01-06 11:16:06 INFO 272b32b4 1-1 Using default SSL protocol: TLS
2025-01-06 11:16:06 INFO 272b32b4 1-1 SSL session context: per-thread
2025-01-06 11:16:06 INFO 272b32b4 1-1 JmeterKeyStore Location: type JKS
2025-01-06 11:16:06 INFO 272b32b4 1-1 KeyStore created OK
2025-01-06 11:16:06 WARN 272b32b4 1-1 Keystore file not found, loading empty keystore
2025-01-06 11:16:06 INFO 272b32b4 1-1 Thread is done: 272b32b4 1-1
2025-01-06 11:16:06 INFO 272b32b4 1-1 Thread finished: 272b32b4 1-1
2025-01-06 11:16:06 INFO StandardJMeterEngine Notifying test listeners of end of test
2025-01-06 11:16:06 INFO Thread-193 Worker ended
2025-01-06 14:54:33 INFO StandardJMeterEngine Running the test!
2025-01-06 14:54:33 INFO StandardJMeterEngine List of sample_variables: []
2025-01-06 14:54:33 INFO StandardJMeterEngine 27689b0c_27689b0c: Starting worker with class: class io.metersphere.api.jmeter.MsApiBackendListener and queue capacity: 5000
2025-01-06 14:54:33 INFO StandardJMeterEngine 27689b0c_27689b0c: Started worker with class: class io.metersphere.api.jmeter.MsApiBackendListener
2025-01-06 14:54:33 INFO StandardJMeterEngine Starting ThreadGroup: 1 : 27689b0c
2025-01-06 14:54:33 INFO StandardJMeterEngine Starting 1 threads for group 27689b0c.
2025-01-06 14:54:33 INFO StandardJMeterEngine Thread will continue on error
2025-01-06 14:54:33 INFO StandardJMeterEngine Starting thread group... number=1 threads=1 ramp-up=1 delayedStart=false
2025-01-06 14:54:33 INFO StandardJMeterEngine Started thread group number 1
2025-01-06 14:54:33 INFO StandardJMeterEngine All thread groups have been started
2025-01-06 14:54:33 INFO 27689b0c 1-1 Thread started: 27689b0c 1-1
2025-01-06 14:54:33 INFO 27689b0c 1-1 Thread is done: 27689b0c 1-1
2025-01-06 14:54:33 INFO 27689b0c 1-1 Thread finished: 27689b0c 1-1
2025-01-06 14:54:33 INFO StandardJMeterEngine Notifying test listeners of end of test
2025-01-06 14:54:33 INFO Thread-186 Worker ended