今天新安装 1panel 在阿里云轻量
申请好证书后,浏览器访问没有问题,但是不能使用 curl 访问,使用 curl 访问就会提示握手失败
RSA 2048/RSA 4096/EC 384/EC 256 都是一样的问题,使用 curl 访问返回以下错误:
C:\Users\Marcello>curl -v https://这里是域名/websites
- Host 这里是域名 was resolved.
- IPv6: (none)
- IPv4: 这里是IP
- Trying 这里是IP
- schannel: disabled automatic use of client certificate
- ALPN: curl offers http/1.1
- Recv failure: Connection was reset
- schannel: failed to receive handshake, SSL/TLS connection failed
- closing connection #0
curl: (35) Recv failure: Connection was reset
从 failed to receive handshake, SSL/TLS connection failed 这一句看起来是握手失败,不大清楚是为什么?