添加数据集EXCEL表格时报错SQL ERRORerrCode = 2, detailMessage = There is no scanNode Backend available.[10003: not alive],然后我删了重装,现在报错access denied for user ‘root’(using password:YES),是啥问题?

root@DESKTOP-4Q59LKJ:/mnt/d/dataease-v1.18.9-offline# docker logs doris-be
DEBUG >>>>>> FE_SERVERS=[fe1:]
DEBUG >>>>>> BE_ADDR=[]
DEBUG >>>>>> feIpArray =
DEBUG >>>>>> feEditLogPortArray = 9010
DEBUG >>>>>> masterFe =
DEBUG >>>>>> be_addr =
DEBUG >>>>>> Append the configuration [priority_networks =] to /opt/apache-doris/be/conf/fe.conf
DEBUG >>>>>> registerMySQL = mysql -uroot -P9030 -h172.19.0.198 -e “alter system add backend ‘’”
DEBUG >>>>>> registerShell = /opt/apache-doris/be/bin/start_be.sh &
mysql -uroot -P9030 -h172.19.0.198 -e “show backends” | grep " " | grep " 9050 "
DEBUG >>>>>> The 0 time to register BE node, be_join_status=1
DEBUG >>>>>> run commnad mysql -uroot -P9030 -h172.19.0.198 -e “alter system add backend ‘’”
mysql -uroot -P9030 -h172.19.0.198 -e “show backends” | grep " " | grep " 9050 "
10003 default_cluster 9050 -1 -1 -1 NULL NULL false false false 0 0.000 1.000 B 0.000 0.00 % 0.00 % 0.000 {“location” : “default”} {“lastSuccessReportTabletsTime”:“N/A”,“lastStreamLoadTime”:-1,“isQueryDisabled”:false,“isLoadDisabled”:false} 0
DEBUG >>>>>> The 1 time to register BE node, be_join_status=0
DEBUG >>>>>> run command /opt/apache-doris/be/bin/start_be.sh &
DEBUG >>>>>> registered : 1
Please set vm.max_map_count to be 2000000 under root using ‘sysctl -w vm.max_map_count=2000000’.
ERROR 1105 (HY000) at line 1: errCode = 2, detailMessage = There is no scanNode Backend available.[10003: not alive]
DEBUG >>>>>> The 1 time to check is_alive >>>>>> 1
ERROR 1105 (HY000) at line 1: errCode = 2, detailMessage = There is no scanNode Backend available.[10003: not alive]
DEBUG >>>>>> The 2 time to check is_alive >>>>>> 1
ERROR 1105 (HY000) at line 1: errCode = 2, detailMessage = There is no scanNode Backend available.[10003: not alive]
DEBUG >>>>>> The 3 time to check is_alive >>>>>> 1
ERROR 1105 (HY000) at line 1: errCode = 2, detailMessage = There is no scanNode Backend available.[10003: not alive]
DEBUG >>>>>> The 4 time to check is_alive >>>>>> 1
ERROR 1105 (HY000) at line 1: errCode = 2, detailMessage = There is no scanNode Backend available.[10003: not alive]
DEBUG >>>>>> The 5 time to check is_alive >>>>>> 1
ERROR 1105 (HY000) at line 1: errCode = 2, detailMessage = There is no scanNode Backend available.[10003: not alive]
DEBUG >>>>>> The 6 time to check is_alive >>>>>> 1
ERROR 1105 (HY000) at line 1: errCode = 2, detailMessage = There is no scanNode Backend available.[10003: not alive]
DEBUG >>>>>> The 7 time to check is_alive >>>>>> 1
ERROR 1105 (HY000) at line 1: errCode = 2, detailMessage = There is no scanNode Backend available.[10003: not alive]
DEBUG >>>>>> The 8 time to check is_alive >>>>>> 1
ERROR 1105 (HY000) at line 1: errCode = 2, detailMessage = There is no scanNode Backend available.[10003: not alive]
DEBUG >>>>>> The 9 time to check is_alive >>>>>> 1
ERROR 1105 (HY000) at line 1: errCode = 2, detailMessage = There is no scanNode Backend available.[10003: not alive]
DEBUG >>>>>> The 10 time to check is_alive >>>>>> 1
ERROR 1105 (HY000) at line 1: errCode = 2, detailMessage = There is no scanNode Backend available.[10003: not alive]
DEBUG >>>>>> The 11 time to check is_alive >>>>>> 1
ERROR 1105 (HY000) at line 1: errCode = 2, detailMessage = There is no scanNode Backend available.[10003: not alive]
DEBUG >>>>>> The 12 time to check is_alive >>>>>> 1
ERROR 1105 (HY000) at line 1: errCode = 2, detailMessage = There is no scanNode Backend available.[10003: not alive]
DEBUG >>>>>> The 13 time to check is_alive >>>>>> 1
ERROR 1105 (HY000) at line 1: errCode = 2, detailMessage = There is no scanNode Backend available.[10003: not alive]
DEBUG >>>>>> The 14 time to check is_alive >>>>>> 1
ERROR 1105 (HY000) at line 1: errCode = 2, detailMessage = There is no scanNode Backend available.[10003: not alive]
DEBUG >>>>>> The 15 time to check is_alive >>>>>> 1
ERROR 1105 (HY000) at line 1: errCode = 2, detailMessage = There is no scanNode Backend available.[10003: not alive]
DEBUG >>>>>> The 16 time to check is_alive >>>>>> 1
ERROR 1105 (HY000) at line 1: errCode = 2, detailMessage = There is no scanNode Backend available.[10003: not alive]
DEBUG >>>>>> The 17 time to check is_alive >>>>>> 1
ERROR 1105 (HY000) at line 1: errCode = 2, detailMessage = There is no scanNode Backend available.[10003: not alive]
DEBUG >>>>>> The 18 time to check is_alive >>>>>> 1
ERROR 1105 (HY000) at line 1: errCode = 2, detailMessage = There is no scanNode Backend available.[10003: not alive]
DEBUG >>>>>> The 19 time to check is_alive >>>>>> 1
ERROR 1105 (HY000) at line 1: errCode = 2, detailMessage = There is no scanNode Backend available.[10003: not alive]
DEBUG >>>>>> The 20 time to check is_alive >>>>>> 1
tail: cannot open ‘/opt/apache-doris/be/log/be.out’ for reading: No such file or directory
tail: no files remaining
DEBUG >>>>>> FE_SERVERS=[fe1:]
DEBUG >>>>>> BE_ADDR=[]
DEBUG >>>>>> feIpArray =
DEBUG >>>>>> feEditLogPortArray = 9010
DEBUG >>>>>> masterFe =
DEBUG >>>>>> be_addr =
DEBUG >>>>>> Append the configuration [priority_networks =] to /opt/apache-doris/be/conf/fe.conf
DEBUG >>>>>> registerMySQL = mysql -uroot -P9030 -h172.19.0.198 -e “alter system add backend ‘’”
DEBUG >>>>>> registerShell = /opt/apache-doris/be/bin/start_be.sh &
mysql -uroot -P9030 -h172.19.0.198 -e “show backends” | grep " " | grep " 9050 "
10003 default_cluster 9050 -1 -1 -1 NULL NULL false false false 0 0.000 1.000 B 0.000 0.00 % 0.00 % 0.000 {“location” : “default”} java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused (Connection refused) {“lastSuccessReportTabletsTime”:“N/A”,“lastStreamLoadTime”:-1,“isQueryDisabled”:false,“isLoadDisabled”:false} 21
DEBUG >>>>>> The 0 time to register BE node, be_join_status=0
DEBUG >>>>>> run command /opt/apache-doris/be/bin/start_be.sh &
DEBUG >>>>>> registered : 1
Please set vm.max_map_count to be 2000000 under root using ‘sysctl -w vm.max_map_count=2000000’.
ERROR 1105 (HY000) at line 1: errCode = 2, detailMessage = There is no scanNode Backend available.[10003: not alive]
DEBUG >>>>>> The 1 time to check is_alive >>>>>> 1
ERROR 1105 (HY000) at line 1: errCode = 2, detailMessage = There is no scanNode Backend available.[10003: not alive]
DEBUG >>>>>> The 2 time to check is_alive >>>>>> 1
ERROR 1105 (HY000) at line 1: errCode = 2, detailMessage = There is no scanNode Backend available.[10003: not alive]
DEBUG >>>>>> The 3 time to check is_alive >>>>>> 1
ERROR 1105 (HY000) at line 1: errCode = 2, detailMessage = There is no scanNode Backend available.[10003: not alive]
DEBUG >>>>>> The 4 time to check is_alive >>>>>> 1
ERROR 1105 (HY000) at line 1: errCode = 2, detailMessage = There is no scanNode Backend available.[10003: not alive]
DEBUG >>>>>> The 5 time to check is_alive >>>>>> 1
ERROR 1105 (HY000) at line 1: errCode = 2, detailMessage = There is no scanNode Backend available.[10003: not alive]
DEBUG >>>>>> The 6 time to check is_alive >>>>>> 1
DEBUG >>>>>> FE_SERVERS=[fe1:]
DEBUG >>>>>> BE_ADDR=[]
DEBUG >>>>>> feIpArray =
DEBUG >>>>>> feEditLogPortArray = 9010
DEBUG >>>>>> masterFe =
DEBUG >>>>>> be_addr =
DEBUG >>>>>> Append the configuration [priority_networks =] to /opt/apache-doris/be/conf/fe.conf
DEBUG >>>>>> registerMySQL = mysql -uroot -P9030 -h172.19.0.198 -e “alter system add backend ‘’”
DEBUG >>>>>> registerShell = /opt/apache-doris/be/bin/start_be.sh &
mysql -uroot -P9030 -h172.19.0.198 -e “show backends” | grep " " | grep " 9050 "
10003 default_cluster 9050 -1 -1 -1 NULL NULL false false false 0 0.000 1.000 B 0.000 0.00 % 0.00 % 0.000 {“location” : “default”} java.net.NoRouteToHostException: No route to host (Host unreachable) {“lastStreamLoadTime”:-1,“isQueryDisabled”:false,“isLoadDisabled”:false} 1
DEBUG >>>>>> The 0 time to register BE node, be_join_status=0
DEBUG >>>>>> run command /opt/apache-doris/be/bin/start_be.sh &
DEBUG >>>>>> registered : 1
Please set vm.max_map_count to be 2000000 under root using ‘sysctl -w vm.max_map_count=2000000’.
ERROR 1105 (HY000) at line 1: errCode = 2, detailMessage = There is no scanNode Backend available.[10003: not alive]
DEBUG >>>>>> The 1 time to check is_alive >>>>>> 1
ERROR 1105 (HY000) at line 1: errCode = 2, detailMessage = There is no scanNode Backend available.[10003: not alive]
DEBUG >>>>>> The 2 time to check is_alive >>>>>> 1
ERROR 1105 (HY000) at line 1: errCode = 2, detailMessage = There is no scanNode Backend available.[10003: not alive]
DEBUG >>>>>> The 3 time to check is_alive >>>>>> 1
ERROR 1105 (HY000) at line 1: errCode = 2, detailMessage = There is no scanNode Backend available.[10003: not alive]
DEBUG >>>>>> The 4 time to check is_alive >>>>>> 1
ERROR 1105 (HY000) at line 1: errCode = 2, detailMessage = There is no scanNode Backend available.[10003: not alive]
DEBUG >>>>>> The 5 time to check is_alive >>>>>> 1
ERROR 1105 (HY000) at line 1: errCode = 2, detailMessage = There is no scanNode Backend available.[10003: not alive]
DEBUG >>>>>> The 6 time to check is_alive >>>>>> 1
ERROR 1105 (HY000) at line 1: errCode = 2, detailMessage = There is no scanNode Backend available.[10003: not alive]
DEBUG >>>>>> The 7 time to check is_alive >>>>>> 1
ERROR 1105 (HY000) at line 1: errCode = 2, detailMessage = There is no scanNode Backend available.[10003: not alive]
DEBUG >>>>>> The 8 time to check is_alive >>>>>> 1
ERROR 1105 (HY000) at line 1: errCode = 2, detailMessage = There is no scanNode Backend available.[10003: not alive]
DEBUG >>>>>> The 9 time to check is_alive >>>>>> 1
ERROR 1105 (HY000) at line 1: errCode = 2, detailMessage = There is no scanNode Backend available.[10003: not alive]
DEBUG >>>>>> The 10 time to check is_alive >>>>>> 1
ERROR 1105 (HY000) at line 1: errCode = 2, detailMessage = There is no scanNode Backend available.[10003: not alive]
DEBUG >>>>>> The 11 time to check is_alive >>>>>> 1
ERROR 1105 (HY000) at line 1: errCode = 2, detailMessage = There is no scanNode Backend available.[10003: not alive]
DEBUG >>>>>> The 12 time to check is_alive >>>>>> 1
ERROR 1105 (HY000) at line 1: errCode = 2, detailMessage = There is no scanNode Backend available.[10003: not alive]
DEBUG >>>>>> The 13 time to check is_alive >>>>>> 1
ERROR 1105 (HY000) at line 1: errCode = 2, detailMessage = There is no scanNode Backend available.[10003: not alive]
DEBUG >>>>>> The 14 time to check is_alive >>>>>> 1
ERROR 1105 (HY000) at line 1: errCode = 2, detailMessage = There is no scanNode Backend available.[10003: not alive]
DEBUG >>>>>> The 15 time to check is_alive >>>>>> 1
ERROR 1105 (HY000) at line 1: errCode = 2, detailMessage = There is no scanNode Backend available.[10003: not alive]
DEBUG >>>>>> The 16 time to check is_alive >>>>>> 1
ERROR 1105 (HY000) at line 1: errCode = 2, detailMessage = There is no scanNode Backend available.[10003: not alive]
DEBUG >>>>>> The 17 time to check is_alive >>>>>> 1
ERROR 1105 (HY000) at line 1: errCode = 2, detailMessage = There is no scanNode Backend available.[10003: not alive]
DEBUG >>>>>> The 18 time to check is_alive >>>>>> 1
ERROR 1105 (HY000) at line 1: errCode = 2, detailMessage = There is no scanNode Backend available.[10003: not alive]
DEBUG >>>>>> The 19 time to check is_alive >>>>>> 1
ERROR 1105 (HY000) at line 1: errCode = 2, detailMessage = There is no scanNode Backend available.[10003: not alive]
DEBUG >>>>>> The 20 time to check is_alive >>>>>> 1
tail: cannot open ‘/opt/apache-doris/be/log/be.out’ for reading: No such file or directory
tail: no files remaining
DEBUG >>>>>> FE_SERVERS=[fe1:]
DEBUG >>>>>> BE_ADDR=[]
DEBUG >>>>>> feIpArray =
DEBUG >>>>>> feEditLogPortArray = 9010
DEBUG >>>>>> masterFe =
DEBUG >>>>>> be_addr =
DEBUG >>>>>> Append the configuration [priority_networks =] to /opt/apache-doris/be/conf/fe.conf
DEBUG >>>>>> registerMySQL = mysql -uroot -P9030 -h172.19.0.198 -e “alter system add backend ‘’”
DEBUG >>>>>> registerShell = /opt/apache-doris/be/bin/start_be.sh &
mysql -uroot -P9030 -h172.19.0.198 -e “show backends” | grep " " | grep " 9050 "
10003 default_cluster 9050 -1 -1 -1 NULL NULL false false false 0 0.000 1.000 B 0.000 0.00 % 0.00 % 0.000 {“location” : “default”} java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused (Connection refused) {“lastStreamLoadTime”:-1,“isQueryDisabled”:false,“isLoadDisabled”:false} 22
DEBUG >>>>>> The 0 time to register BE node, be_join_status=0
DEBUG >>>>>> run command /opt/apache-doris/be/bin/start_be.sh &
DEBUG >>>>>> registered : 1
Please set vm.max_map_count to be 2000000 under root using ‘sysctl -w vm.max_map_count=2000000’.
ERROR 1105 (HY000) at line 1: errCode = 2, detailMessage = There is no scanNode Backend available.[10003: not alive]
DEBUG >>>>>> The 1 time to check is_alive >>>>>> 1
ERROR 1105 (HY000) at line 1: errCode = 2, detailMessage = There is no scanNode Backend available.[10003: not alive]
DEBUG >>>>>> The 2 time to check is_alive >>>>>> 1
ERROR 1105 (HY000) at line 1: errCode = 2, detailMessage = There is no scanNode Backend available.[10003: not alive]
DEBUG >>>>>> The 3 time to check is_alive >>>>>> 1
ERROR 1105 (HY000) at line 1: errCode = 2, detailMessage = There is no scanNode Backend available.[10003: not alive]
DEBUG >>>>>> The 4 time to check is_alive >>>>>> 1
ERROR 1105 (HY000) at line 1: errCode = 2, detailMessage = There is no scanNode Backend available.[10003: not alive]
DEBUG >>>>>> The 5 time to check is_alive >>>>>> 1
ERROR 1105 (HY000) at line 1: errCode = 2, detailMessage = There is no scanNode Backend available.[10003: not alive]
DEBUG >>>>>> The 6 time to check is_alive >>>>>> 1
ERROR 1105 (HY000) at line 1: errCode = 2, detailMessage = There is no scanNode Backend available.[10003: not alive]
DEBUG >>>>>> The 7 time to check is_alive >>>>>> 1
ERROR 1105 (HY000) at line 1: errCode = 2, detailMessage = There is no scanNode Backend available.[10003: not alive]
DEBUG >>>>>> The 8 time to check is_alive >>>>>> 1
ERROR 1105 (HY000) at line 1: errCode = 2, detailMessage = There is no scanNode Backend available.[10003: not alive]
DEBUG >>>>>> The 9 time to check is_alive >>>>>> 1
ERROR 1105 (HY000) at line 1: errCode = 2, detailMessage = There is no scanNode Backend available.[10003: not alive]
DEBUG >>>>>> The 10 time to check is_alive >>>>>> 1
ERROR 1105 (HY000) at line 1: errCode = 2, detailMessage = There is no scanNode Backend available.[10003: not alive]
DEBUG >>>>>> The 11 time to check is_alive >>>>>> 1
ERROR 1105 (HY000) at line 1: errCode = 2, detailMessage = There is no scanNode Backend available.[10003: not alive]
DEBUG >>>>>> The 12 time to check is_alive >>>>>> 1
ERROR 1105 (HY000) at line 1: errCode = 2, detailMessage = There is no scanNode Backend available.[10003: not alive]
DEBUG >>>>>> The 13 time to check is_alive >>>>>> 1
ERROR 1105 (HY000) at line 1: errCode = 2, detailMessage = There is no scanNode Backend available.[10003: not alive]
DEBUG >>>>>> The 14 time to check is_alive >>>>>> 1
ERROR 1105 (HY000) at line 1: errCode = 2, detailMessage = There is no scanNode Backend available.[10003: not alive]
DEBUG >>>>>> The 15 time to check is_alive >>>>>> 1
ERROR 1105 (HY000) at line 1: errCode = 2, detailMessage = There is no scanNode Backend available.[10003: not alive]
DEBUG >>>>>> The 16 time to check is_alive >>>>>> 1
ERROR 1105 (HY000) at line 1: errCode = 2, detailMessage = There is no scanNode Backend available.[10003: not alive]
DEBUG >>>>>> The 17 time to check is_alive >>>>>> 1
ERROR 1105 (HY000) at line 1: errCode = 2, detailMessage = There is no scanNode Backend available.[10003: not alive]
DEBUG >>>>>> The 18 time to check is_alive >>>>>> 1
ERROR 1105 (HY000) at line 1: errCode = 2, detailMessage = There is no scanNode Backend available.[10003: not alive]
DEBUG >>>>>> The 19 time to check is_alive >>>>>> 1
ERROR 1105 (HY000) at line 1: errCode = 2, detailMessage = There is no scanNode Backend available.[10003: not alive]
DEBUG >>>>>> The 20 time to check is_alive >>>>>> 1
tail: cannot open ‘/opt/apache-doris/be/log/be.out’ for reading: No such file or directory
tail: no files remaining
DEBUG >>>>>> FE_SERVERS=[fe1:]
DEBUG >>>>>> BE_ADDR=[]
DEBUG >>>>>> feIpArray =
DEBUG >>>>>> feEditLogPortArray = 9010
DEBUG >>>>>> masterFe =
DEBUG >>>>>> be_addr =
DEBUG >>>>>> Append the configuration [priority_networks =] to /opt/apache-doris/be/conf/fe.conf
DEBUG >>>>>> registerMySQL = mysql -uroot -P9030 -h172.19.0.198 -e “alter system add backend ‘’”
DEBUG >>>>>> registerShell = /opt/apache-doris/be/bin/start_be.sh &
mysql -uroot -P9030 -h172.19.0.198 -e “show backends” | grep " " | grep " 9050 "
10003 default_cluster 9050 -1 -1 -1 NULL NULL false false false 0 0.000 1.000 B 0.000 0.00 % 0.00 % 0.000 {“location” : “default”} java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused (Connection refused) {“lastStreamLoadTime”:-1,“isQueryDisabled”:false,“isLoadDisabled”:false} 43
DEBUG >>>>>> The 0 time to register BE node, be_join_status=0
DEBUG >>>>>> run command /opt/apache-doris/be/bin/start_be.sh &
DEBUG >>>>>> registered : 1
Please set vm.max_map_count to be 2000000 under root using ‘sysctl -w vm.max_map_count=2000000’.
ERROR 1105 (HY000) at line 1: errCode = 2, detailMessage = There is no scanNode Backend available.[10003: not alive]
DEBUG >>>>>> The 1 time to check is_alive >>>>>> 1
ERROR 1105 (HY000) at line 1: errCode = 2, detailMessage = There is no scanNode Backend available.[10003: not alive]
DEBUG >>>>>> The 2 time to check is_alive >>>>>> 1
ERROR 1105 (HY000) at line 1: errCode = 2, detailMessage = There is no scanNode Backend available.[10003: not alive]
DEBUG >>>>>> The 3 time to check is_alive >>>>>> 1
ERROR 1105 (HY000) at line 1: errCode = 2, detailMessage = There is no scanNode Backend available.[10003: not alive]
DEBUG >>>>>> The 4 time to check is_alive >>>>>> 1
ERROR 1105 (HY000) at line 1: errCode = 2, detailMessage = There is no scanNode Backend available.[10003: not alive]
DEBUG >>>>>> The 5 time to check is_alive >>>>>> 1
ERROR 1105 (HY000) at line 1: errCode = 2, detailMessage = There is no scanNode Backend available.[10003: not alive]
DEBUG >>>>>> The 6 time to check is_alive >>>>>> 1
ERROR 1105 (HY000) at line 1: errCode = 2, detailMessage = There is no scanNode Backend available.[10003: not alive]
DEBUG >>>>>> The 7 time to check is_alive >>>>>> 1
ERROR 1105 (HY000) at line 1: errCode = 2, detailMessage = There is no scanNode Backend available.[10003: not alive]
DEBUG >>>>>> The 8 time to check is_alive >>>>>> 1
ERROR 1105 (HY000) at line 1: errCode = 2, detailMessage = There is no scanNode Backend available.[10003: not alive]
DEBUG >>>>>> The 9 time to check is_alive >>>>>> 1
ERROR 1105 (HY000) at line 1: errCode = 2, detailMessage = There is no scanNode Backend available.[10003: not alive]
DEBUG >>>>>> The 10 time to check is_alive >>>>>> 1
ERROR 1105 (HY000) at line 1: errCode = 2, detailMessage = There is no scanNode Backend available.[10003: not alive]
DEBUG >>>>>> The 11 time to check is_alive >>>>>> 1
ERROR 1105 (HY000) at line 1: errCode = 2, detailMessage = There is no scanNode Backend available.[10003: not alive]
DEBUG >>>>>> The 12 time to check is_alive >>>>>> 1
ERROR 1105 (HY000) at line 1: errCode = 2, detailMessage = There is no scanNode Backend available.[10003: not alive]
DEBUG >>>>>> The 13 time to check is_alive >>>>>> 1
ERROR 1105 (HY000) at line 1: errCode = 2, detailMessage = There is no scanNode Backend available.[10003: not alive]
DEBUG >>>>>> The 14 time to check is_alive >>>>>> 1
ERROR 1105 (HY000) at line 1: errCode = 2, detailMessage = There is no scanNode Backend available.[10003: not alive]
DEBUG >>>>>> The 15 time to check is_alive >>>>>> 1
ERROR 1105 (HY000) at line 1: errCode = 2, detailMessage = There is no scanNode Backend available.[10003: not alive]
DEBUG >>>>>> The 16 time to check is_alive >>>>>> 1
ERROR 1105 (HY000) at line 1: errCode = 2, detailMessage = There is no scanNode Backend available.[10003: not alive]
DEBUG >>>>>> The 17 time to check is_alive >>>>>> 1
ERROR 1105 (HY000) at line 1: errCode = 2, detailMessage = There is no scanNode Backend available.[10003: not alive]
DEBUG >>>>>> The 18 time to check is_alive >>>>>> 1
ERROR 1105 (HY000) at line 1: errCode = 2, detailMessage = There is no scanNode Backend available.[10003: not alive]
DEBUG >>>>>> The 19 time to check is_alive >>>>>> 1
ERROR 1105 (HY000) at line 1: errCode = 2, detailMessage = There is no scanNode Backend available.[10003: not alive]
DEBUG >>>>>> The 20 time to check is_alive >>>>>> 1
tail: cannot open ‘/opt/apache-doris/be/log/be.out’ for reading: No such file or directory
tail: no files remaining
DEBUG >>>>>> FE_SERVERS=[fe1:]
DEBUG >>>>>> BE_ADDR=[]
DEBUG >>>>>> feIpArray =
DEBUG >>>>>> feEditLogPortArray = 9010
DEBUG >>>>>> masterFe =
DEBUG >>>>>> be_addr =
DEBUG >>>>>> Append the configuration [priority_networks =] to /opt/apache-doris/be/conf/fe.conf
DEBUG >>>>>> registerMySQL = mysql -uroot -P9030 -h172.19.0.198 -e “alter system add backend ‘’”
DEBUG >>>>>> registerShell = /opt/apache-doris/be/bin/start_be.sh &
mysql -uroot -P9030 -h172.19.0.198 -e “show backends” | grep " " | grep " 9050 "
10003 default_cluster 9050 -1 -1 -1 NULL NULL false false false 0 0.000 1.000 B 0.000 0.00 % 0.00 % 0.000 {“location” : “default”} java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused (Connection refused) {“lastStreamLoadTime”:-1,“isQueryDisabled”:false,“isLoadDisabled”:false} 64
DEBUG >>>>>> The 0 time to register BE node, be_join_status=0
DEBUG >>>>>> run command /opt/apache-doris/be/bin/start_be.sh &
DEBUG >>>>>> registered : 1
Please set vm.max_map_count to be 2000000 under root using ‘sysctl -w vm.max_map_count=2000000’.
ERROR 1105 (HY000) at line 1: errCode = 2, detailMessage = There is no scanNode Backend available.[10003: not alive]
DEBUG >>>>>> The 1 time to check is_alive >>>>>> 1
ERROR 1105 (HY000) at line 1: errCode = 2, detailMessage = There is no scanNode Backend available.[10003: not alive]
DEBUG >>>>>> The 2 time to check is_alive >>>>>> 1
ERROR 1105 (HY000) at line 1: errCode = 2, detailMessage = There is no scanNode Backend available.[10003: not alive]
DEBUG >>>>>> The 3 time to check is_alive >>>>>> 1
ERROR 1105 (HY000) at line 1: errCode = 2, detailMessage = There is no scanNode Backend available.[10003: not alive]
DEBUG >>>>>> The 4 time to check is_alive >>>>>> 1
ERROR 1105 (HY000) at line 1: errCode = 2, detailMessage = There is no scanNode Backend available.[10003: not alive]
DEBUG >>>>>> The 5 time to check is_alive >>>>>> 1


之前有个版本会存在类似问题,建议安装最新 1.18.9 版本。

你好,我使用1.18.11 也同样出现了这个问题。Mac电脑本地部署的。请问有什么方式可以解决吗?

这是Doris 节点没有启动成功,看看 服务状态,dectl status,确保两个 Doris 都是正常的,如果没有 doris-be
dectl reload 重新拉起镜像。