

  1. 在商店点击某个应用进行进行安装 配置过 外部端口访问。
  2. 显示安装成功,启动成功,

但是外部通过ip:端口 访问 显示: 无法访问此网站。 拒绝了我们的连接请求。
服务器终端执行 curl localhost:80 显示 curl: (7) Failed to connect to localhost port 80 after 0 ms: Connection refused


  1. 查看网站日志,无数据。
  2. 查看系统日志,弹出消息:服务内部错误: record not found。 服务器返回:{code: 500, message: “服务内部错误: record not found”, data: null}

[2023-09-21 00:00:00] [INFO] The scheduled certificate update task is currently in progress …
[2023-09-21 00:00:00] [INFO] The scheduled certificate update task has completed
[2023-09-21 00:00:00] [INFO] Website scheduled task in progress …
[2023-09-21 00:00:00] [INFO] Website scheduled task has completed
[2023-09-21 00:00:00] [INFO] download file from
[2023-09-21 00:00:05] [INFO] AppStore scheduled task has completed
[2023-09-21 21:34:44] [ERROR] decrypt database db local password failed, err: illegal base64 data at input byte 8
[2023-09-21 21:34:53] [ERROR] reading webSocket message failed, err: websocket: close 1005 (no status)
[2023-09-21 21:34:53] [DEBUG] thread of receive ws msg has exited now
[2023-09-21 21:34:53] [INFO] websocket finished
[2023-09-21 21:34:53] [ERROR] ssh session wait failed, err: signal: killed
[2023-09-21 21:34:53] [DEBUG] thread of handle slave event has exited now
[2023-09-21 21:34:53] [ERROR] decrypt database db local password failed, err: illegal base64 data at input byte 8
[2023-09-21 21:36:07] [ERROR] decrypt database db local password failed, err: illegal base64 data at input byte 8
[2023-09-21 21:36:07] [ERROR] reading webSocket message failed, err: websocket: close 1005 (no status)
[2023-09-21 21:36:07] [DEBUG] thread of receive ws msg has exited now
[2023-09-21 21:36:07] [INFO] websocket finished
[2023-09-21 21:36:07] [ERROR] ssh session wait failed, err: signal: killed
[2023-09-21 21:36:07] [DEBUG] thread of handle slave event has exited now
[2023-09-21 21:36:19] [INFO] delete app mysql-mysql backups successful
[2023-09-21 21:37:01] [ERROR] decrypt database db local password failed, err: illegal base64 data at input byte 8
[2023-09-21 21:37:44] [ERROR] reading webSocket message failed, err: websocket: close 1005 (no status)
[2023-09-21 21:37:44] [DEBUG] thread of receive ws msg has exited now
[2023-09-21 21:37:44] [INFO] websocket finished
[2023-09-21 21:37:44] [ERROR] ssh session wait failed, err: signal: killed
[2023-09-21 21:37:44] [DEBUG] thread of handle slave event has exited now
[2023-09-21 21:38:08] [INFO] download app[MySQL] from
[2023-09-21 21:38:31] [INFO] delete app cloudreve-cloudreve backups successful
[2023-09-21 21:39:17] [ERROR] decrypt database db local password failed, err: illegal base64 data at input byte 8
[2023-09-21 21:39:34] [ERROR] decrypt database local password failed, err: illegal base64 data at input byte 8
[2023-09-21 21:39:39] [ERROR] decrypt database local password failed, err: illegal base64 data at input byte 8
[2023-09-21 21:40:10] [INFO] download app[Synapse] from
[2023-09-21 21:40:23] [ERROR] decrypt database db local password failed, err: illegal base64 data at input byte 8
[2023-09-21 21:40:50] [ERROR] reading webSocket message failed, err: websocket: close 1005 (no status)
[2023-09-21 21:40:50] [DEBUG] thread of receive ws msg has exited now
[2023-09-21 21:40:50] [INFO] websocket finished
[2023-09-21 21:40:50] [ERROR] ssh session wait failed, err: signal: killed
[2023-09-21 21:40:50] [DEBUG] thread of handle slave event has exited now
[2023-09-21 21:40:50] [ERROR] decrypt database db local password failed, err: illegal base64 data at input byte 8
[2023-09-21 21:43:33] [INFO] start to upgrade now…
[2023-09-21 21:43:37] [INFO] download all file successful!
[2023-09-21 21:43:37] [DEBUG] tar zxvfC /opt/1panel/tmp/upgrade/upgrade_20230921214333/downloads/1panel-v1.6.1-linux-arm64.tar.gz /opt/1panel/tmp/upgrade/upgrade_20230921214333/downloads
[2023-09-21 21:43:43] [INFO] backup original data successful, now start to upgrade!
[2023-09-21 21:43:45] [INFO] upgrade successful!
[2023-09-21 21:43:46] [ERROR] accept tcp [::]:10000: use of closed network connection
[2023-09-21 21:43:46] [INFO] init logger successfully
[2023-09-21 21:43:46] [INFO] init db successfully
[2023-09-21 21:43:46] [INFO] Migration run successfully
[2023-09-21 21:43:46] [INFO] init cache successfully
[2023-09-21 21:43:46] [INFO] init session successfully
[2023-09-21 21:43:50] [INFO] no need to sync
[2023-09-21 21:43:50] [INFO] server run success on 10000 with http
2023/09/21 21:43:50 1873965 :10000
[2023-09-21 21:45:01] [INFO] delete app synapse-synapse backups successful
[2023-09-21 21:46:00] [INFO] download app[Discuz!] from
2023/09/21 21:49:55 1873965 Received SIGTERM.
2023/09/21 21:49:55 1873965 Waiting for connections to finish…
2023/09/21 21:49:55 1873965 Serve() returning…
[2023-09-21 21:49:55] [ERROR] accept tcp [::]:10000: use of closed network connection
panic: accept tcp [::]:10000: use of closed network connection

goroutine 1 [running]: +0x638, {0x1efd54e?, 0x0?, 0x0?}) +0x1c*Command).execute(0x6681c20, {0x40000b6200, 0x0, 0x0}) +0x5c4*Command).ExecuteC(0x6681c20) +0x340*Command).Execute(0x400006c768?) +0x1c
./main.go:23 +0x24
[2023-09-21 21:50:05] [INFO] init logger successfully
[2023-09-21 21:50:09] [INFO] init db successfully
[2023-09-21 21:50:09] [INFO] Migration run successfully
[2023-09-21 21:50:09] [INFO] init cache successfully
[2023-09-21 21:50:09] [INFO] init session successfully
[2023-09-21 21:50:37] [INFO] no need to sync
[2023-09-21 21:50:37] [INFO] server run success on 10000 with http
2023/09/21 21:50:37 1539 :10000
