init waf error openresty not found

[2024-06-09 09:36:53] [INFO] init session successfully
[2024-06-09 09:36:54] [DEBUG] synchronize system time with [] successful!
[2024-06-09 09:36:57] [INFO] [xpack] init db successfully
[2024-06-09 09:36:57] [INFO] [xpack] migration run successfully
[2024-06-09 09:36:57] [ERROR] init waf error openresty not found
[2024-06-09 09:36:57] [INFO] Starting synchronization with App Store…
[2024-06-09 09:36:57] [INFO] listen at [tcp4]
[2024-06-09 09:36:57] [INFO] [AppStore] download file from
[2024-06-09 09:36:57] [INFO] The App Store is at the latest version

安装好以后默认ipv6 可以打开 ipv4 就不行 请高手帮帮忙


请问一下解决了吗? 我也是遇到这个问题